Friday, August 6, 2010

I Hate Slot Machines, But...

...damn these would be tempting:

Fortunately, these guys aren't actually in Vegas...they're apparently in online casinos only.

Still, it's nice to know that Batman and Wonder Woman endorse gambling. Look Kids--casinos!! And the big guy is in on the act, too:

Marvel also has a presence in online slot play, although how long that will last with Disney no in charge is an open question. Still, come on now--a Fantastic Four slot machine? Thor?? Damn,I would be broke quick...

And look, the Chris Sims special--a Street Fighter slot machine!!

Oddest tangent: this article on 6 DC Heroes Who Shouldn't Have Their Own Slot Machine. Which is an odd enough idea for an article, but the 6 chosen are those whom I can pretty much guarantee would never ever ever have been considered. Maybe the article is written in that odd British tongue-in-cheek, so I'm missing the snark, but the author seems to serious discuss why Matter-Eater Lad would be a poor choice for slots.

But I really have to disagree on one point--a one-armed-bandit based on Arm Fall Off Boy has some amazing possibilities...

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