Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jingle Bells

My friend Robert has been upset because he gave me a present about a month ago, and I haven't blogged about it yet.

Well, for obvious reasons, I wanted to wait until closer to Christmas:

So why doesn't Diana get to carry anything? Is she just eye candy??You know, as Grant Morrison continues in his quest top make every Batman story "count," I sincerely hope he doesn't forget this:

The most frightening thing I've seen this yearOur story?

As opposed to a non-ominous singing telegram?Rudolph the Red-Nosed Hitman?!? Yeah, that sounds like a good children's Christmas tale--"Hey, kids, all of your Xmas icons are really murderous gangsters!!"

And exactly how does one send a singing telegram to Batman? Does Western Union have the Batcave's address? (Well, everyone else in Gotham seems to, so...) Do you send it to Commissioner Gordon's office, and have the singer just wait around until Batman shows up?

Meanwhile, there's the Wonder Woman story:

You'd have thought that Santa would have better securityA Nazi submarine kidnaps Santa?!?!?!? I've got to find someone with a turntable now...

Special bonus picture: Another Neal Adams-drawn Peter Pan album cover:

AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!The Chipmunk Song, as performed by The Grasshoppers?!? Would that even be audible to the human ear?!?

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